Happy Anniversary!

Polymerchay earrings Yuna in honeydew.

Happy Anniversary to Teeko + Co.!

I have One Direction “Night Changes” in the background as I’m typing this update. 

Teeko Yang in Teeko + Co. earrings.

Two years ago in May, I filled out MN SOS forms to establish Teeko + Co. Having no prior experience running a business, all I knew was that I wanted to create and open an e-commerce shop.

As a one woman team, I do everything. That means ideating, creating, sourcing, marketing, fulfillment, etc. I can only stretch my capacity so far that sometimes I forget to post updates.

So, since the new year, I’ve donated earrings to causes close to me, I had my first wholesale order, and have been experimenting with selling at art fairs and markets. I also used the time to research vendors, materials, and best practices so that I can continue growing Teeko + Co.

Sophia Feldhege, Erika Feldhege, Reena Feldhege Bjork in Teeko + Co. polymer clay earrings.

And finally, I’m launching Collection 06 tomorrow! I got to work with the beautiful Feldhege family who rocked my earrings. It was so much fun to shoot and style them. To gear up for tomorrow, sign up for our newsletter to be the first to receive our anniversary code for special rates! 

For more updates, I was selected to be an artist at Edina Art Fair from June 3-5th. I will be selling my photography prints for the first time ever! These will only be sold IRL as this is a test run for future products in my store. SO MARK YOUR CALENDAR and come say hi! 

Teeko Yang