Meet our Founder: Teeko


Hello, I’m Teeko.

Like you, I’m stuck at home in my pajamas wishing, hoping, and dreaming of the day I can get back out and have a nice drink.

As I reminisce on my journey, I’m thinking of the most influential people in my life, my parents. They are the epitome of serial entrepreneurs, fearless and always chasing after what they want. They were immigrants who barely finished high school, yet, they started multiple businesses while caring for five babies.

As a child of immigrants, I was fortunate enough to receive an education. I started my career in nonprofit, and then the public sector. But like all grown adults, I couldn’t runaway from my past. I developed an itch for entrepreneurialism, just like my parents.

So, here I am, starting my own journey with a small e-commerce shop. I handcraft every piece of jewelry and have fallen in love with the process.

Every piece of jewelry is a reminder of my parents and their hard work. Its inspired by their countless sleepless nights of worrying how they would feed my siblings and I (we lived on a farm and they ended up selling majority of their cattle for money), my father waking up every morning at 5am and getting home by midnight (we owned a restaurant that was an hour drive), and the everyday sacrifices they made so that I have the luxury of choosing when to be an entrepreneur.